Installed on the Place Vendôme, Yann Masseyeff’s “Ligne de Vie” is a monumental work that continues his work and his reflection on the evolution of the human being in the face of the uncertainty of passing time. The artist unveils here an alignment of 66 sandstone sculptures, implanted in a regular rhythm that reminds us of the ineluctable passing of time.
This line defines a metamorphosis that ends as it began, creating the cycle of life and leaving a unique imprint on the character of each individual’s life.

A French artist born in Dakar, Yann Masseyeff draws on a multitude of cultural influences.
As a young man, he was introduced to drawing, then attracted by the work of the material, he naturally turned to ceramics. He models the clay, creating an almost primal dialogue with his sculptures and making them resonate with his creative energy.