A General meeting is held once a year. Once the action programme is decided with the support of the Governing Board, the various tasks are divided among the different commissions.
The Chairwoman: Béatrice de Plinval, Curator of the Maison Chaumet museum and collection.
The Treasurer: Thomas Louis, President-Director General of Acer Finance.
Different commissions meet regularly and submit their work to the Governing Board. Ad hoc working groups are formed to deal with specific subjects or actions.
Commission R.P – Communication :
This commission brings its expertise to bear on the Vendome Committee’s communication strategy and image.
Security commission :
Composed of experts from the companies on the Vendome Committee, this commission’s mission is to oversee the security of property and persons in the Vendome quarter.
Art Commission :
For the preservation and presentation of the quarter, as well as the optimisation of patronage. This Commission also aims to position the square as a setting of choice for exhibitions of contemporary monumental sculptures.
How does one become a member of the Vendome Committee ?
The candidate company must be sponsored by two members, approved by the Governing Board and ratified by the Annual General Meeting. It pays an entry fee followed by annual contributions calculated according to a scale of brackets on the basis of the company’s turnover.