Created in 1936 to bring together the area’s great jewellers and goldsmiths of finance, the Vendome Committee’s mission is to preserve the Place Vendome “added ingredient of soul”. Security, culture, architecture: the Committee looks out for Place Vendome’s worldwide reputation.

A General meeting is held once a year. Once the action programme is decided with the support of the Governing Board, the various tasks are divided among the different commissions…

“There is a Place Vendome style, which you can recognise by the clothes, the jewels, as well as by these admirable façades with their symmetrical and pure columns”…
Place Vendôme, royal square desired by Louis XIV
“This is where France entertains, where France works, here she is true to herself, affirming her unity and her permanence through her long history.” Paul Claudel talking about place Vendome in the Ritz salons in 1950.
The Vendôme column, wanted by Napoleon 1st
Since 1792, the pedestal in the center of the Place Vendôme has been bare. And it is only after the failure of different projects under different regimes, that Bonaparte, First Consul, who will restore a monument on the square.